Communiqué de presse

Production, orders and turnover statistics of the secondary sector in the 3rd quarter 2019 Secondary sector continues to see increasing production in 3rd quarter 2019

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21.11.2019 - Secondary sector production rose by 6.3% in 3rd quarter 2019 in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier. Turnover rose by 4.7%. This increase has been uninterrupted since 1st quarter 2017. This is shown by provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

In comparison with the previous year industrial production grew in July by 7.2%, in August by 5.5%, and in September by 10.7%. For the whole of 3rd quarter 2019 production increased by 8.0% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier.

Construction production declined by 1.1% in 3rd quarter 2019 in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier. Production rose by 1.1% in building, civil engineering in contrast registered a decline (–0.4%). Lastly, specialised construction activities registered a decline of 2.4% in their production.

Turnover also increased

Industrial turnover in July rose by 6.0% in comparison with the previous year, and in August (+4.3%) and in September (+8.0%). For the whole of 3rd quarter 2019 in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier, turnover registered an increase of 6.2%.

Construction turnover fell by 0.4% in 3rd quarter 2019 in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier. Turnover rose by 1.5% in building, Civil engineering registered an increase of 0.3%, specialised construc-tion activities a decline of 1.8%.

You can find further information in the following PDF document.


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Secondary sector continues to see increasing production in 3rd quarter 2019
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Documents associés

Statistique de la production, des commandes et des chiffres d'affaires du secteur secondaire au 3e trimestre 2019