Communiqué de presse

The income evolution of PET graduates, 2013-2021 Marked increase in median income of graduates of professional education and training

12.01.2023 – Six years after completing professional education and training, the median income for a full-time job is about CHF 7800 gross per month. Compared with the CHF 5300 received five years before obtaining the qualification, this is an increase of 46%, or CHF 2500 more. These earnings vary significantly depending on the qualification obtained, the field of training and sex. In three fields of colleges of professional education and training, the training phase is linked to substantial income decreases. These are the results of a study conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) covering the years 2013 to 2021.

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Marked increase in median income of graduates of professional education and training
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Documents associés

L'évolution du revenu des diplômés de la formation professionnelle supérieure de 2013 à 2021