Swiss tourism statistics 2022

Swiss tourism statistics 2022

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This publication describes the results of the FSO's Swiss tourism statistics for 2022. The first part focuses on tourist accommodation that is partly made up of the hotel sector statistics and partly of the supplementary accommodation statistics. The second section of this publication concerns the survey on the travel behaviour of the Swiss population in 2022. The tourism satellite account, in the third section, gives information on the values measuring the economic influence of tourism in Switzerland. The fourth section of the publication presents a series of economic indicators making it possible to place the findings from the tourism statistics in a wider context.

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Lingua EN
Ulteriuras linguas FR , DE
Gener Publikation
Publitgà ils 25.01.2024
Editur Uffizi federal da statistica
Copyright Uffizi federal da statistica
Tema Turissem
Pretsch* CHF  14.20
Numer UST 1074-2200
Bibliographische Angaben BibTeX / RIS
Enquista, statistica Statistik der Parahotellerie
Annexa Documents attribuids (XLSX, 437 kB)
Documents parentads Schweizer Tourismusstatistik für das Jahr 2022



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