Trends in quintile share ratios (S80/S20)

Trends in quintile share ratios (S80/S20)
This graph is no longer updated. It has been replaced by a new graph that focuses on people living in working households and is based on the revised weighting model 20 of the HBS («Trends in quintile share ratios (S80/S20), people living in working households», see link below).

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Lingua EN
Ulteriuras linguas IT , FR , DE
Gener Diagramm
Publitgà ils 18.02.2021
Perioda preschentada 1998, 2000-2018
Editur Uffizi federal da statistica
Copyright Uffizi federal da statistica
Tema Situaziun economica e sociala da la populaziun
Numer UST gr-e-
Enquista, statistica Haushaltsbudgeterhebung
Untauna(s) Uffizi federal da statistica
Annexa Data of the graph (CSV, 1 kB)
Documents parentads Armut, Einkommensverteilung und Lebensbedingungen 2019

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