Statistical Data on Switzerland 2021

Statistical Data on Switzerland 2021

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This publication offers an overview of a number of topics relating to Switzerland's situation over the past years. It includes maps, texts, graphics and tables showing the main trends in various fields. Statistics speak volumes about society: what is interesting is not the figures specifically but the messages they convey on the state of society as well as relations between individuals both within and outside of Switzerland.

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Lingua EN
Ulteriuras linguas IT , FR , DE , RM
Gener Publikation
Publitgà ils 26.03.2021
Editur Uffizi federal da statistica
Copyright Uffizi federal da statistica
Tema Basas statisticas e survistas
Pretsch gratuit
Numer UST 025-2100
Bibliographische Angaben BibTeX / RIS
Documents parentads Survista statistica da la Svizra 2021



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