Adults and minors: Convictions and persons convicted for a misdemeanour or felony under the Swiss Criminal Code (SCC), Switzerland and cantons
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This table will not be updated anymore. The data are presented in another table, see «Further links».
Lingua | EN |
Ulteriuras linguas | IT , FR , DE |
Gener | Tabelle |
Publitgà ils | 29.06.2020 |
Perioda preschentada | 1984-2019 |
Editur | Uffizi federal da statistica |
Tema | Criminalitad e dretg penal |
Numer UST | je-e- |
Enquista, statistica | Jugendstrafurteilsstatistik |
Documents parentads | Jugend- und Erwachsenenstrafurteile im Jahr 2019 |
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