IMPI - Swiss Residential Property Price Index Total index and sub-indices by object type, rate of change compared with the previous quarter

Total index and sub-indices

This graph is no longer updated. You can find more recent data the graph "Rate of change compared with the previous quarter and with the same quarter of the previous year" (see link below)
Quest asset exista en ina ediziun actualisada, vesair il link suandant:
Total index and sub-indices by object type, rate of change compared with the previous quarter
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Ulteriuras linguas IT , FR , DE
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Publitgà ils 16.08.2022
Perioda preschentada 1.7.2020-30.6.2022
Editur Uffizi federal da statistica
Copyright Uffizi federal da statistica
Tema Pretschs
Numer UST gr-e-
Enquista, statistica Schweizerischer Wohnimmobilienpreisindex
Untauna(s) Uffizi federal da statistica
Documents parentads Schweizerischer Wohnimmobilienpreisindex im 2. Quartal 2022

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