Greenhouse gas footprint – Greenhouse gas emissions due to Swiss final demand – Millions of tons of CO2 equivalents

Greenhouse gas footprint – Greenhouse gas emissions due to Swiss final demand – Millions of tons of CO2 equivalents
Improved estimation of the import-related emissions for the years 2000-2007

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Lingua EN
Ulteriuras linguas IT , FR , DE
Gener Diagramm
Publitgà ils 29.09.2022
Perioda preschentada 2000-2020
Editur Uffizi federal da statistica
Copyright Uffizi federal da statistica
Tema Territori ed ambient
Numer UST gr-e-
Enquista, statistica Umweltindikatoren
Umweltgesamtrechnung - Luftemissionen
Untauna(s) Uffizi federal da statistica
Annexa Data of the graph (CSV, 1 kB)
Documents parentads Energiekonten sowie Konten der Luftemissionen im Jahr 2020