
Federal elections 2019 Record number of lists, affiliations and partial lists for the 2019 National Council elections

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30.09.2019 - A total of 511 lists have been registered in the cantons with a proportional system in preparation for the 2019 National council elections. This is 21% more than four years ago. There are still many lists grouping candidates by age, and those of older people have almost doubled since the previous elections. These are some of the results of the latest publication from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

You will find further information such as graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.


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Record number of lists, affiliations and partial lists for the 2019 National Council elections
(PDF, 1 paginas, 85 kB)

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Documents parentads

Nationalratswahlen 2019: Listen und Kandidaturen