Female first names of the population by year of birth, Switzerland and language regions, 2022

This file presents the female first names of the population by year of birth, Switzerland and language regions, 2022
Quest asset exista en ina ediziun actualisada, vesair il link suandant:
Female first names of the population by year of birth, Switzerland and language regions, 2023
Lingua EN
Ulteriuras linguas FR , IT , DE
Gener Tabelle
Publitgà ils 22.08.2023
Perioda preschentada 2022
Editur Uffizi federal da statistica
Copyright Uffizi federal da statistica
Tema Populaziun
Numer UST su-e-
Enquista, statistica Statistik der Bevölkerung und der Haushalte
Untauna(s) Uffizi federal da statistica
Documents parentads Vornamen der Neugeborenen, Vor- und Nachnamen in der Schweiz im Jahr 2022
Tags Frau

