
Road vehicles in 2021: new registrations and stock COVID crisis is followed by microchip crisis: the automobile market struggled to recover in 2021

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31.01.2022 - In 2021, 350 056 motor vehicles were newly registered in Switzerland. This was 3.9% more than in 2020, but still 14.6% less than in 2019 before the arrival of COVID-19. Delivery problems related to the ‘chip crisis’ were responsible for this figure, which remains low in long-term comparison. As far as passenger cars were concerned, electric vehicles once again gained ground, accounting for more than one in eight new cars (13.2%) registered in 2021. The motor vehicle stock, for its part, rose by 1.1% to 6.3 million units, according to the road vehicle statistics published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

You can find further information in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.


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COVID crisis is followed by microchip crisis: the automobile market struggled to recover in 2021
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