Attitudes towards diversity and racism

Racism refers to the lack of value attributed to certain individuals or groups on the basis of biological or cultural characteristics associated with them. The racism index captures the disagreement or the agreement with this attitude.

The average value of the index measuring racist attitudes is 1.4 in 2022, on a scale from 1 (disagreement with the attitudes) to 4 (agreement with the attitudes). Over the 2018-2022 period, negative attitudes (index values between 3 and 4) are less prevalent in the population than positive attitudes (between 1 and 2).

Discomfort caused by diversity

Used to construct the index measuring racist attitudes, the results below detail which groups or individuals are likely to make the population feel uncomfortable because of their difference. They provide information about the situations in which these differences are considered to be the most problematic.

Prevalence by situation: One third of the population said they might feel uncomfortable when facing diversity, regardless of the situation and the cause. People are significantly more likely to feel a sense of discomfort at work than in other situations.

Language: Language-related discomfort is greater at work (18%) than in other areas of life (approximately 10%). If this factor is not taken into account, the workplace becomes a situation in which discomfort towards diversity is less likely to occur (8% against 11%).

Itinerant way of life: In everyday life, the population is most likely to feel a sense of discomfort when facing someone with an itinerant way of life.

Integration: In addition to the causes of discomfort presented, people perceived as "not integrated" and people who do not respect Swiss culture or values can be a source of unease.

Specific groups mentionned in an open question 2022
People who do not want to integrate 4.7%
Other people 3.9%
Travellers 3.4%
Muslims 2.7%
Roma (1.8%)
People who take advantage of the system (1.7%)
People who do not respect swiss culture and values (1.7%)

Further information




Documentation on survey


Federal Statistical Office Section Demography and Migration
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel



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