05.12.2022 - New statistical information
Household production satellite account 2020
In 2020, 9.8 billion hours were spent on unpaid work in Switzerland. That is more than were spent on paid work (7.6 billion hours). The total amount of unpaid work performed in 2020 corresponds to a monetary value of CHF 434 billion.
Theme | Work and income |
Attributed documents
Household production satellite account 2020
In 2020, unpaid work was worth CHF 434 billionFederal Statistical Office
Time spent on domestic and family workload by task
Permanent resident population aged 15 and older
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Voluntary work in Switzerland
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Flexibility of working hours
Employed persons aged 18 to 64 with at least one regular care-related task
Observation period: 2018
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Impact of childcare duties on current employment
Employees aged 18 to 64 with care tasks for children under 15
Observation period: 2018
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Monetary valuation of unpaid work
Market costs method on basis of labour costs
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Participation in formal voluntary work by type of organisation
Permanent resident population aged 15 and older
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Participation in informal voluntary work by type of activity
Permanent resident population aged 15 and older
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Participation in voluntary work by different socio-demographic characteristics
Permanent resident population aged 15 and older
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Population with care-related tasks
Permanent resident population aged 18 to 64
Observation period: 2018
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Time spent in paid and unpaid work
Permanent resident population aged 15 to 64
Observation period: 2010-2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Time spent in paid and unpaid work by family situation
Permanent resident population aged 15 to 64
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Time spent on domestic and family workload by age
Permanent resident population aged 15 and older
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022
Time spent on domestic and family workload by family situation and labour market status
Permanent resident population aged 15 and older
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 05.12.2022