Cantonal portraits 2021

Up-to-date regional key figures on the 26 cantons

Cantonal portraits 2021

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(PDF, 84 paginas, 856 kB)

Would you like to get a canton's most important statistical facts at a glance? Would you like to compare your canton with other cantons or with Switzerland as a whole? As part of its comprehensive range of regional statistical data, every year the Federal Statistical Office makes available on its Swiss Statistics website new cantonal portraits with roughly 70 up-to-date key figures.

Lingua EN
Ulteriuras linguas FR , IT , DE
Gener Publikation
Publitgà ils 26.03.2021
Editur Uffizi federal da statistica
Copyright Uffizi federal da statistica
Tema Svilup persistent, disparitads regiunalas ed internaziunalas
Basas statisticas e survistas
Pretsch* CHF  25.40
Numer UST 1346-2100
Bibliographische Angaben BibTeX / RIS
Untauna(s) Uffizi federal da statistica
Documents parentads Survista statistica da la Svizra 2021



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