
Swiss Consumer Price Index in December and annual inflation 2021 Average annual inflation of +0.6% in 2021

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04.01.2022 - The consumer price index (CPI) fell by 0.1% in December 2021 compared with the previous month, reaching 101.5 points (December 2020 = 100). Inflation was +1.5% compared with the same month of the previous year. The average annual inflation reached +0.6% in 2021. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

Average annual inflation for 2021 corresponds to the rate of change between the annual average
of the CPI for 2021 and that for 2020. The annual average is equal to the arithmetic mean of the 12
monthly indices of the calendar year. Average annual inflation was +0.6% in 2021. This increase is due in particular to higher prices for petroleum products and for housing rentals. In contrast, prices for international package holidays and medicines decreased. Prices for domestic products increased by 0.3% on average, those for imported products increased by 1.5%. Average annual inflation was –0.7% in 2020 and +0.4% in 2019.

The CPI decrease of 0.1% in December 2021 compared with the previous month is due to several factors including falling prices for heating oil. The prices for air transport also declined, along with the prices for fuel. In contrast, prices for hire of private means of transport, for hotel accommodation and for second-hand cars increased.

You can find further information such as tables and graphs in the following PDF document.


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Average annual inflation of +0.6% in 2021
(PDF, 6 paginas, 529 kB)

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