Minors: convictions and persons convicted under the article 19 of the Narcotics Act (NarcA), by offence and year of conviction [1999–2019]

More recent figures on convictions of minors are available in another table (see under "Additional Links").
Lingua EN
Ulteriuras linguas IT , FR , DE
Gener Tabelle
Publitgà ils 28.06.2021
Ultima actualisaziun 29.06.2022
Perioda preschentada 1999-2019
Editur Uffizi federal da statistica
Copyright Uffizi federal da statistica
Tema Criminalitad e dretg penal
Numer UST je-e-
Enquista, statistica Jugendstrafurteilsstatistik
Untauna(s) Uffizi federal da statistica
Documents parentads Jugendurteile und -sanktionsvollzug im Jahr 2020

Linkd attribuids

