Indices and variation rates of turnover in retail sector (seasonally adjusted)

Indices and variation rates of turnover in retail sector (seasonally adjusted)

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New base year 2015: The base year for the retail trade turnover statistics is updated every five years. Starting with the publication of results for January 2018, the index will be based on the annual average of 2015 (2015=100). As of 2018, the results are also seasonally and calendar adjusted for the commodity groups.
Una versione più recente del presente documento è disponibile al link seguente:
Indices and variation rates of turnover in retail sector (seasonally adjusted)
Lingua EN
Altre lingue IT , FR , DE
Tipo Tabella
Pubblicato il 01.02.2019
Periodo contemplato 2000-2018
Editore Ufficio federale di statistica
Condizioni d’uso OPEN-BY-ASK
Tema Industria e servizi
Numero UST je-e-
Rilevazione, statistica Statistica delle cifre d’affari del commercio al dettaglio
Documenti analoghi Cifre d'affari del commercio al dettaglio nel dicembre 2018



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