Two centuries of Swiss demographic history

Graphic album of the 1860-2050 period

Two centuries of Swiss demographic history

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This study on population trends in Switzerland covers the period from 1860 to 2050 and is based on past observation generated by successive Population Censuses and by annual statistics on population movement, as well as on demographic scenarios with a horizon of 2050 - base year 1995. Commented graphics sketch out the broad outlines of this development. Population fluctuations are presented according to two components: natural surplus and migratory balance. Demographic ageing and its impact on the balance of age groups, particularly as regards retirement, is measured. The various factors that have shaped changes in population size and composition are analyzed: marriage, fertility, divorce and mortality rates. A chapter is devoted to studying the daily and monthly patterns of demographic phenomena. Certain specific episodes in the history of Swiss demography are described in detail. The work concludes by comparing Switzerland's population with that of its European neighbours.

Lingua EN
Altre lingue FR
Tipo Pubblicazione
Pubblicato il 01.12.1998
Editore Ufficio federale di statistica
Copyright Ufficio federale di statistica
Condizioni d’uso OPEN-BY-ASK
Tema Popolazione
Prezzo* CHF  42.00
Numero UST 254-9800
Indicazioni bibliografiche BiBTeX / RIS



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