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Debt collection and bankruptcy statistics 2021 Debt collections and bankruptcies rose again in 2021 after a year of decline

Esiste anche una versione più recente del presente documento, disponibile al link seguente:
Bankruptcies rose for the third year running: a first in the current time series

04.04.2022 - In 2021, the total number of bankruptcy proceedings opened against businesses and individuals rose by 9.1% compared with 2020. At cantonal level, Aargau recorded the greatest relative increase (+24.6%). The number of debt collection proceedings increased slightly, but remained within the average range of the past five years. These are some of the latest findings from the debt collection and bankruptcy statistics from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

You will find further information such as tables and graphs in the PDF below. Please note that the English version only includes the release's lead.


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Debt collections and bankruptcies rose again in 2021 after a year of decline
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