Communiqué de presse

Empty dwellings census of 1 June 2017 The empty dwellings rate continues to increase

Please note: The results for the year 2017 were revised in January 2018 following the publication of this press release.

Ce document existe également dans une version plus récente. Veuillez suivre le lien suivant:
Renewed decline in the dwelling vacancy rate in 2023

Neuchâtel, 11.09.2017 (FSO) - On 1 June 2017, there were 64'893 empty dwellings in Switzerland, i.e. 1.47% of the entire country's dwelling stock (including single-family houses). This figure represents an increase of 8375 empty dwellings compared with the previous year, i.e. a rise of almost 15%. These are some of the results of the empty dwellings census published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

You will find further information such as tables and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.


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The empty dwellings rate continues to increase
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Dénombrement des logements vacants au 1er juin 2017