Families and Generations Survey 2013

First results

Families and Generations Survey 2013

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How many children do young women and men wish to have? How large is the share of households which make use of external childcare for their children? How do adult children and their parents help one another? This publication presents the initial findings from the Families and Generations Survey, 2013. Certain areas from the Families and Generations topic for which no or little data was previously available were purposely selected for this analysis. The findings presented here provide important indications on the division of labour in households and families, on inter-generational relations as well as on people's desires and attitudes with regard to family lifestyles and the organisation of day-to-day life.

Langue EN
Autres langues IT , FR , DE
Type Publication
Date de publication 24.03.2015
Éditeur Office fédéral de la statistique
Copyright Office fédéral de la statistique
Conditions d’utilisation OPEN-BY-ASK
Thème Population
Prix* CHF  10.00
Numéro OFS 1490-1300-05
Indications bibliographiques BiBTeX / RIS
Enquête, statistique Enquête sur les familles et les générations
Annexe documents supplémentaires (ZIP, 197 kB)
Documents associés Enquête sur les familles et les générations 2013
Tags femme homme



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