Economically active persons by canton, district, town

The activity rate of 15 to 64 year-olds in the cantons ranged from 72.1% in Ticino to 84.5% in Nidwalden (the Swiss average was 80.1%).

68.4% of employed persons work full-time, 31.6% part-time. The share of full-time employed persons ranged from 63.6% in the canton of Bern and 72.3% in the canton of Zug.

Small area estimation (commune) of economic activity rate

The Structural Survey collects data every year on working life at cantonal level. The aggregated results from several surveys also make it possible to calculate these indicators down to district and urban town level.

Small Area Estimation (SAE) is intended to extend the limits of standard methods. Information on the procedure and the findings of the estimated labour participation at commune level can be found at the following link in the topic Small Area Estimation (SAE).

Further information


Statistical sources and concepts


Federal Statistical Office
Section Labour Force

Structural survey information service

+41 58 467 25 25

Monday to Friday
9.00 to 11.30 and 14.00 to 16.00


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