Sequence of accounts

The sequence of accounts is a methodical collection of accounts which enable the recording of all operations affecting a sector over a given period, of income generation (income account) until its accumulation including distribution and redistribution.

The sequence of accounts highlights various reference aggregates such as value added, disposable income, savings and the net lending (or borrowing) for the entire economy and the different institutional sectors of which it is composed.

Main indicators of the sequence of accounts of the national economy, millions of Swiss francs, at current prices
Code Classification 2000 2010 2023
B.1*b Gross domestic product 471 540 624 545 803 632
B.5*n Net national income (NNI)       398 568 508 928 584 091
B.6*n Disposable income, net 390 416 494 298 563 486
B.8*n Net saving 71 479 93 682 63 777
Source: FSO - National Accounts

Further information


Press releases


Federal Statistical Office Section National Accounts
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 467 34 86



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