Old age insurance

The old age and survivors' insurance (OASI) is the main pillar in Switzerland's social security system. OASI should at least partially replace decreasing or completely lacking income from gainful employment due to old-age or death. The old-age pension enables insured persons to retire from working life once they are old, ensuring a materially secure retirement.  

Survivors' insurance

The survivors' insurance aims to ensure that families already burdened by the death of a close family member are spared financial hardship.


The AHV is financed by social insurance contributions and public funding.
It is financed by a pay-as-you-go system. Annually the system spends approximately the same amount that it receives; this means that within a given period of time the contributions received for payments to those entitled to pensions are spent again or "turned over".

Statistical data

The main data on financing and OASI recipients can be found at the Federal Social Insurance Office The findings of the OASI statistics can be accessed in the form of detailed data.

Further information


Statistical sources and concepts


Federal Statistical Office Section Income, Consumption and Living Conditions
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 64 21



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