Atlas of Cities

Interactive Statistical Atlas of Cities

The Statistical atlas of cities is a tool for the cartographic visualisation of the key figures from City Statistics Switzerland with the country's participating cities. The maps can be retrieved at the level of different spatial units: larger urban zone, core city and neighbourhoods on a national scale, as well as core city, national and transnational larger urban zone on a transnational scale. The Atlas shows the living conditions in the urban areas of the partner cities, between the communes and their larger urban zones.

Content and overview

On a national and transnational scale, about 30 cartographically portrayed key figures are thematically divided into the following aspects: demographic context, income and jobs, living conditions, environment, personal security, mobility, culture and leisure, economic context. The thematic structure of the key figures corresponds to the one of the concept How'Life of the OECD, which is choosen to describe the quality of life in cities and is not always consistent with the thematic structure of the FSO. Depending on data availability, the maps cover the spatial levels of larger urban zones, core cities and neighbourhoods.

Spatial divisions

Larger urban zone
For the City Statistics project, the perimeters according to the FSO definition from 2012 were used as the larger urban zone for the Swiss partner cities. In the Atlas of the cities, it is either possible to view the larger urban zones in full or divided by core city and peripheral communes. In the atlas of cities 2013-2015 the perimeters used correspond to the FSO definition of agglomerations from 2000.

Core cities
The core city is the core of the larger urban zone. For the Swiss partner cities of City Statistics, this core is the political municipality respectively.

Neighbourhoods and sub-city districts
For City Statistics, the official FSO neighbourhood perimeters in the eight cities are used. To ensure that these perimeters fulfil the requirements of City Statistics, these neighbourhoods have been aggregated at two higher levels for the cities of the City Statistics (to reach a boundary of around 5000 inhabitants): the urban sectors and the urban districts. The first two units (neighbourhoods and urban sectors) can be seen in the atlas.


Federal Statistical Office
Section Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel

Tel. +41 58 481 97 69
09.00-11.30 / 14.00-16.00
