The MONET 2030 indicator system gives an overview of sustainable development in Switzerland, providing a picture of the progress made towards the 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda as well as in relation to the Federal Council’s sustainable development strategy 2030 and to certain topics specific to Switzerland.
Each indicator is illustrated in a simplified manner in the form of a tile. With few exceptions, the presented timeline ranges from 2000, left edge of the tile, to the latest update, right edge of the tile. The indicators surveyed annually are displayed as a continuous line. If the surveys are not annual, they are depicted as symbols connected by a thin line. The indicators for which there is only one survey are represented as horizontal bars (histogram).
The arrow ( ) shows the target trend (towards the objective). If there is no arrow, this means that it is not possible to define a target direction. The tile colour provides information on the indicator trend assessment. The latter stems from the comparison between the target trend (the arrow) and the observed trend based on the trend calculated for the period under analysis. The trend assessment is
- positive if the observed trend correspond to the target trend
- unchanged if there is no notable change
- negative if the observed trend is in contrast with the target trend
- no assessment if the time series consists of fewer than three surveys or if it is not possible to define the target trend
The trends are analysed from 2000 up to the last available value. For the most recent series, the analysis starts with the year of the first available data. The period analysed and represented on the tile begins in 1990 for the indicator populations of breeding birds (SDG 15) and in 1985 for the following four indicators: Arable land (SDG 2), urban sprawl (SDG 11), soil sealing and summer pastures (SDG 15). These exceptions are due to the need to consider a long time span for the first indicator and for the other four indicators due to the periodicity of their surveys (twelve years). For more information concerning the assessment of trends, see methodological aspects.
The indicators can be filtered and arranged in different ways to highlight particular themes, to focus on specific sustainable development goals, on trend assessement or to highlight certain cross-cutting themes. Users can thus create their own image of sustainable development.
Period shown
- Positive
- Unchanged
- Negative
- No assessment
Target trend
- Decrease
- Stabilisation
- Increase
In order of
All indicators
All indicators
{{ groupSgd + ' ' + getSgdName(groupSgd).nameEn }}
All indicators
{{ getEvalById(groupEvaluation).nameEn }}
Federal Statistical Office Section Environment, Sustainable Development, TerritoryEspace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
- Tel.
- +41 58 460 58 46
Monday - Friday:
09.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 16.00