Permanent resident population by place of birth, length of residence in Switzerland and nationality, at the end of 2023, in thousand
Place of birth Length of residence Total Swiss Foreigners

8 962.3

6 545.0

2 417.3
Born in Switzerland  

6 096.4

5 655.4


Born abroad Total 1)

2 865.9


1 976.3

  0-4 years 660.2 33.3 626.9
5-9 years 451.4 36.4 415.0
10-14 years 359.0 67.2 291.8
15-19 years 261.7 87.4 174.3
20 years or older 724.0 267.3 456.7
1) "no indication" of the length of residence included Source: FSO – STATPOP