MONET 2030: Rate of separately collected municipal waste

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Swiss target 12.5: The environmental impact of waste is limited.  The economic and technical potential of recycling raw materials is maximised

Significance of the indicator
The indicator shows the percentage of separately collected municipal waste in all municipal waste products. Separate collections allow waste to be recycled and toxic components to be processed separately. To make a step towards sustainable development, the waste recycling rate must increase.

Help for interpretation
This indicator does not give information on the absolute quantity of waste actually recycled or on the quality of recycling and its consequences.

International comparability
This indicator cannot be compared at international level.



This indicator shows the percentage of separately collected waste in relation to total amount of municipal waste produced.
Data come from private recycling companies and are published by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). Some of the data come from surveys, others are sample-based extrapolations. In certain cases they also include production waste (particularly for glass).

Various ordinances govern the return and taking back of products, recycling taxes on products and the recycling rates targeted (e.g. Beverage Container Ordinance (BCO)).


Swiss target 12.5: The environmental impact of waste is limited.  The economic and technical potential of recycling raw materials is maximised.

International target 12.5: By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.


Federal Statistical Office Section Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 460 58 46

Monday - Friday:
09.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 16.00



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