MONET 2030: Life satisfaction

SDG 3: Ensure healthy life lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Significance of the indicator
The indicator shows the percentage of the population with a high degree of satisfaction with their current life. This is an individual and subjective assessment of the population’s quality of life and does not necessarily depend on material needs being met. Happiness and well-being are among the non-material needs of humans (principle 3a). An increase in the population’s satisfaction with life, therefore, is a step towards sustainable development. 

International comparability
The level of satisfaction with one’s current life is also measured in the 2018 module of the EU-SILC on well-being. Data for this survey year are, therefore, comparable.



This indicator shows the percentage of the permanent resident population in Switzerland (aged 16 and over) who assess their satisfaction with their current life at 8, 9 or 10 points on a scale from 0 to 10. Question asked by telephone: In general, to what extent are you satisfied with your current life, on a scale of 0 = "not satisfied at all" and 10 = "completely satisfied"?

Data come from the SILC survey (Income and living conditions) conducted by the Federal Statistical Office. A confidence interval of 95% is calculated for these data.


3a Satisfaction and happiness
Possibilities for present and future generations to find satisfaction and happiness in life should be maintained and promoted.


Federal Statistical Office Section Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 460 58 46

Monday - Friday:
09.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 16.00



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