MONET 2030: Victims of discrimination

SDG 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

Swiss target 10.3: No-one is discriminated against, in particular on grounds of origin, race, gender, age, language, social position, way of life, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious, philosophical or political beliefs, or because of a physical, mental or psychological disability.

SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Swiss target 16.b: All people are equal before the law and no-one may be discriminated against on account of their origin, race, gender, age, language, social position, lifestyle, religious, ideological or political views or due to a physical, cognitive or mental impairment

Significance of the indicator
The indicator shows the share of the population who state that they have been victims of discrimination. In line with sustainable development, every member of society should have the same rights and opportunities and no-one should be discriminated against. A decrease in the share of persons that have been victims of discrimination is thus strived for.

Help for interpretation
It is a sample survey, meaning that values are subject to a margin of error.The indicator is based on self-assessments and only considers incidents in Switzerland that date five years at most.

International comparability
This indicator cannot be compared at international level.



The indicator shows the share of the population that has been a victim of discrimination in Switzerland in the last five years. This is a self-assessment: The percentages presented do not tally with the cases of experienced discrimination reported in counselling or reporting centres (explicit incidents, without conviction) or judicial sentences (explicit incidents, sentenced in court).

The indicator is based on the following question:
In the last five years, have you experienced a situation in which you have been discriminated against due to membership of a particular group? For example, in connection with housing conditions, on the labour market, in public spaces, etc.

The data come from the “Survey on diversity and coexistence in Switzerland” that has been carried out every two years by the FSO since 2016. The survey forms part of the FSO Omnibus series of multiple-theme surveys. It is a sample survey of 3,000 people.



Swiss target 10.3: No-one is discriminated against, in particular on grounds of origin, race, gender, age, language, social position, way of life, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious, philosophical or political beliefs, or because of a physical, mental or psychological disability.

International target 10.3: Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard.

Swiss target 16.b: All people are equal before the law and no-one may be discriminated against on account of their origin, race, gender, age, language, social position, lifestyle, religious, ideological or political views or due to a physical, cognitive or mental impairment.

International target 16.b: Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development.


Federal Statistical Office Section Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory
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+41 58 460 58 46

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