Civil aviation

Swiss civil aviation (scheduled and charter flights and general aviation) recorded a total of 1.3 million aircraft movements (take-offs and landings) in 2022. This is 13% more than in 2021, but 3% less than in 2019, the year before the COVID-19 pandemic began. The number of passengers reached around 44.2 million in 2022, 119% more than in 2021 but 25% less than in 2019.

While general aviation with mostly small aircraft accounted for around 74% of aircraft movements in 2022, scheduled and charter traffic dominated passenger traffic with a share of 99% (corresponding to 43.6 million passengers).

Timely evaluations of scheduled and charter traffic (annual and quarterly data) can be found here:

Key figures on civil aviation in 2022
Registered aircraft
3 134
    of which aeroplanes (excl. motor gliders) 1 702
Aircraft movements (take-offs and landings) 1 344 397
    Change from 2019 –3%
    Share of scheduled and charter traffic
355 915
    Share of general aviation traffic
988 482
Local and transfer passengers 44 208 105
    Change from 2019 –25%
    Share of scheduled and charter traffic
43 570 768
    Share of general aviation traffic
637 337
Persons killed (in accidents) 4
    of which passengers 0
1) Measured against a threshold of 60 dB(A)
2) Year 2006
Sources: FSO – FSO, FOCA – Civil aviation statistics (AVIA_ZL); FOEN – GIS Noise database of Switzerland sonBase; STSB – Aviation accident statistics

Further information





Statistical concepts


Federal Statistical Office Section Mobility
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 64 68

Monday - Friday:
09.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 16.30



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