Adults: convictions for a misdemeanour or felony by type and length of principle punishment and a choice of offences [1984-2017]

Adults: convictions for a misdemeanour or felony by type and length of principle punishment and a choice of offences [1984-2017]

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This table will no longer be updated. A table with the most recent years can be found under the link at the bottom of the page.
The latest version of this document is also available. Please see the following link:
Adults: convictions for a misdemeanour or felony by type and length of principle punishment and a choice of offences [1984-2017]
Language EN
Other languages IT , FR , DE
Type Table
Published on 17.05.2021
Last update 16.05.2022
Observation period 1984-2017
Published by Federal Statistical Office
Copyright Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme Crime and criminal justice
FSO number je-e-
Survey, statistics Conviction statistics
Source(s) Federal Statistical Office
Associated documents Convictions of adults in 2020

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