Switzerland's ecological footprint

A contribution to the sustainability debate

Switzerland's ecological footprint

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Switzerland has made sustainable development a national goal. It is enshrined in the Swiss Constitution. How does one determine whether Switzerland has actually achieved or is on the road towards sustainable development? One way is to use sustainable development indicators. Another way is to use the ecological footprint approach, a scientific method to graphically depict the environmental impact of human activity. The present study closely examines the ecological footprint approach. The first step the authors took was to align Swiss statistics with data contained in the international ecological footprint database. Once data was made compatible, it was then possible to calculate Switzerland's ecological footprint. This publication contains a multitude of easy to read charts showing how well Switzerland compares with other countries in terms of environmental impact. The publication also includes background information enabling readers to assess the ecological footprint approach.

Language EN
Other languages IT , FR , DE
Type Publication
Published on 12.12.2006
Published by Federal Statistical Office / Federal Office for the Environment / Federal Office for Spatial Development / Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Publisher Federal Statistical Office
Copyright Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme Sustainable development, regional and international disparities
Price* CHF  15.00
FSO number 809-0600
Bibliographical references BiBTeX / RIS
Survey, statistics Sustainable development indicators



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