25.09.2023 - New statistical information
Statistical social report in Switzerland 2023
In the first year of the pandemic, expenditure on social benefits rose sharply but temporarily in Switzerland. The growth of expenditure in the area of unemployment alone was almost CHF 14 billion. This was against a backdrop of rising unemployment and the measures taken in response to the pandemic. The poverty rate after transfers stood at 8.7% in 2021. These and other findings are shown in the Swiss Social Statistics Report 2023. The report is published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) every four years.
Theme | Social security |
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Swiss Social Statistics Report 2023
Swiss Social Statistics Report: Pandemic greatly affected social sector expenditureFederal Statistical Office
(Very) good self-assessed health by education level
Population aged 25 or over living in a private household
Observation period: 2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Barriers to participation in education and training by educational attainment
In % of the permanent resident population aged 25 to 64 years
Observation period: 2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Composition of gross income and transfer expenditure by household type
100%=gross income, cumulated samples 2015-2017
Observation period: 2015-2017
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Cumulated objective and subjective problems in the various population groups
Difference compared with the total population in percentage points (total population=0)
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Education attainment
As a % of the permanent resident population aged 25 to 64 years
Observation period: 2003-2022
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Evolution of expenditure for social protection benefits
in CHF per inhabitant, at constant prices
Observation period: 1996-2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Evolution of social protection receipts
in CHF per inhabitant, at constant prices
Observation period: 1996-2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Help from others
Share of the population aged 16 and over unable to ask anyone for help
Observation period: 2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Percentage of people with a disability in different population groups, in 2021
Population aged 16 or over living in a private household
Observation period: 2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Rate of jobs with low remuneration by level of education
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Rate of jobs with low remuneration, Swiss and foreigners
Observation period: 2020
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Real GDP per capita
annual growth rate in %
Observation period: 1991-2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Real GDP per capita
level, index (1991=100)
Observation period: 1991-2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Satisfaction with current life
Share of the population aged 16 and over, by level of satisfaction
Observation period: 2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Satisfaction with housing
Share of the population aged 16 and over, by level of satisfaction
Observation period: 2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Unemployment rate as defined by ILO by different characteristics
Permanent resident population aged 15 and over
Observation period: 1996, 2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 25.09.2023
Social security system model
Published on 25.09.2023