Press release

Confederation R&D expenditure and personnel in 2023 10% rise in Confederation's research and development expenditure in 2023

25.06.2024 - In 2023, the Confederation spent CHF 2.6 billion undertaking or in support of research and development activities. Compared with the previous year, this represents an increase of CHF 245 million (+10%). This trend is largely due to an increase in payments made to researchers in Switzerland. Over the same period, Confederation personnel employed in R&D activities grew by 3%, totalling 1166 jobs in full-time equivalents. These findings are based on open government data processed by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). 

You can find the entire text as well as further information such as tables and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.


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10% rise in Confederation's research and development expenditure in 2023
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Confederation research and development expenditure and personnel in 2023

