Secondary Sector Production, Orders and Turnover Statistics - quarterly series

This dataset presents unadjusted, adjusted and seasonally adjusted (indices and changes) quarterly data for production, orders and turnover in the secondary sector by branch, since 1999.
An updated version of this document is available. Please see the following link:
Secondary Sector Production, Orders and Turnover Statistics - quarterly series
Language DE/EN/FR/IT
Type Table
Published on 22.05.2023
Observation period 1.1.1999-31.3.2023
Published by Federal Statistical Office
Copyright Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme Industry and services
FSO number px-x-0603010000_102
Survey, statistics Industry Production, Orders and Turnover Statistics
Construction Industry Production, Orders and Turnover Statistics
Source(s) Federal Statistical Office
Associated documents Production, orders and turnover statistics of the secondary sector in the 1st quarter 2023
Tags Economic data FSO

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