Furmaziun e scienza

Cifras-clav 2021

Furmaziun e scienza

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Furmaziun e scienza
Language RM
Other languages IT , FR , DE , EN
Type Image
Published on 24.03.2023
Published by Federal Statistical Office
Copyright Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme Education and science
FSO number gi-r-15-jb-2023a
Survey, statistics Research and Development (R&D) synthesis Switzerland
Research and Development (R&D) in the Business Enterprise Sector
Public education expenditure
University staff
Students and degrees of higher education institutions
Learners (pupils and students, schooling and vocational/professional education and training)
School staff
Vocational education and training (qualification procedures included)
Diploma (upper secondary level and advanced professional education and training)
Source(s) Federal Statistical Office
Associated documents Switzerland in 23 infographics - Edition March 2023

