Swiss Federal Business Census 1995-2008

From 1905 to 2008, sporadic business censuses were carried out by questionnaire among secondary and tertiary sector businesses and in the agricultural sector. In these censuses, the economic production units were recorded as a reference for many other statistics from an economic, social and spatial point of view. From 1995, all establishments were geocoded, thus laying the foundations for an analysis of hectare data.

Federal business census 2008

In the BC 2008 the geodata from the three economic sectors were disseminated in combined files for the first time. The previous, separate processing and presentation of agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming as well as of industry and services was abandoned.

Most data for the primary sector were collected through coordination of administrative data in the context of the Direct Payments Ordinance. Secondary and tertiary sector data was collected either by means of paper questionnaires, online questionnaires (e-survey) or by profiling. The geocoding of establishments was carried out in cooperation with the business and enterprise register (BER) and the federal buildings and dwellings register (BDR).

The base data are encoded in accordance with the NOGA 2008 used for the 2008 survey. Subsequently, approx. 1500 variables on companies and jobs by full and part-time jobs and by NOGA (General Classification of Economic Activities) were aggregated into hectares or saved as a occurrence codes for GEOSTAT's standard product range.

Geodata from the federal business censuses of 1995/1996, 1998, 2000/2001 and 2005 are available in harmonised form according to the NOGA 2002. To make geodata from the BC 2008 comparable with geodata from previous business censuses, an additional analysis of the BC 2008 was made with the variable combinations of the harmonised geodata according to the NOGA 2002.

Business censuses of the industry and service sector 1995, 1998, 2001, 2005

The base data from the federal business censuses in the secondary and tertiary sectors of 1995, 1998 and 2001 were recoded and harmonised from the NOGA 1995 to the NOGA 2002 used for the 2005 survey. Subsequently, approx. 1000 variables on companies and jobs by full and part-time jobs and by NOGA (General Classification of Economic Activities) were aggregated into hectares or saved as a occurrence codes for GEOSTAT's standard product range.

Business censuses in the primary sector 1996, 2000, 2005

The business census in the primary sector is an exhaustive structural survey that includes all establishments and jobs in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming. It provides results that can be compared with those of the second and tertiary sectors. Since 1996 the censuses have been coordinated with the farm structure survey and are used to update the business and enterprise register in the primary sector.

The base data from the business censuses of 1996 and 2000 in the primary economic sector were recoded from the NOGA 1995 to the NOGA 2002 and subsequently re-evaluated using the same variables as in the farm survey of 2005. The results from the primary sector censuses of 1996, 2000 and 2005 can, therefore, be compared with one another.

Infos BC 2008

Infos BC S2/3 1995-2005

Infos BC S1 1996-2005



Federal statistical office Section Geoinformation
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 68 35

Monday to Friday
09.00–11.30 and 14.00–16.00
