13.06.2022 - New statistical information
Swiss Labour Force Survey and its derivative statistics: hours worked in 2021
The total number of hours worked in Switzerland reached 7.798 billion in 2021, representing an increase of 2.5% compared with the previous year. The pre-pandemic level has not yet been regained, however. According to the latest results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) and the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), the volume of work among 20-64 year olds in Switzerland increased slightly more than in the EU.
Theme | Work and income |
Attributed documents
Swiss Labour Force Survey and its derivative statistics: working hours
Increase in the number of hours worked in Switzerland in 2021Federal Statistical Office
Absence rate due to health (illness or accident) of full-time employees by economic sector
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Federal Statistical Office
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Absence rate due to health (illness or accident) of full-time employees by major groups of occupations
Observation period: 2021
Federal Statistical Office
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Annual volume of hours of absence of employees by reason for absence, distribution in %
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Federal Statistical Office
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Average weeks of contractual holiday per year of full-time employees by age group
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Federal Statistical Office
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Contractual annual working hours of full-time salaried employees by economic sectors
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Federal Statistical Office
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Contractual weekly hours worked according to NWT
Observation period: 1973-2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 13.06.2022
Overtime rate of full-time employees by economic branch
Observation period: 2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 13.06.2022
Usual weekly working hours of full-time employed persons by work status
Observation period: 2021
Federal Statistical Office
Published on 13.06.2022