Durchschnittliche Wohnfläche pro Bewohner nach Migrationsstatus des Haushalts und Anzahl der Zimmer, in m2

Durchschnittliche Wohnfläche pro Bewohner nach Migrationsstatus des Haushalts und Anzahl der Zimmer, in m2

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Language DE
Other languages FR
Type Diagram
Published on 27.07.2021
Observation period 2019
Published by Federal Statistical Office
Copyright Federal Statistical Office
Terms of Use OPEN-BY-ASK
Theme Population
FSO number gr-d-01.05.07-ind43043b
Survey, statistics Population and Households Statistics
Buildings and Dwellings statistic (since 2009)
Source(s) Federal Statistical Office
Associated documents Indicators on the integration of the population with migration background 1/2020

