Press release

Swiss Earnings Structure Survey in 2018: initial findings In 2018, the median wage was CHF 6538

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In 2022, the median wage was CHF 6788

21.04.2020 - For the entire Swiss economy (private and public sectors together), the gross monthly median wage for a full-time job was CHF 6538 in 2018. Distinct wage gaps can still be seen between economic activities and by region. Between the highest and lowest earners in the wage pyramid, these differences remained fairly stable between 2008 and 2018. In Switzerland, almost a third of employees receive bonuses. These are some of the initial findings of the Swiss Earnings Structure Survey conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

The median wage was CHF 6538 per month in 2018. The lowest-paid 10% of employees all earned less than CHF 4302 per month whereas the highest-paid 10% all earned more than CHF 11 698.

You can find further information such as tables and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.


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In 2018, the median wage was CHF 6538
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Swiss Earnings Structure Survey in 2018: initial findings


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