
Livio Lugano
Livio Lugano,
Vice director,
Head of Division

The Economy division (WI) produces information relating to the state and development of the Swiss economy within an integrated and coherent system of economic statistics. It is concerned with the design, realisation and evaluation of surveys among enterprises in the sectors of agriculture and industry and services. Information is gathered on the enterprises' structure and demography, accounting data as well as prices, wages, employment, production and turnover. In addition to basic statistical data on the enterprises' structure and activities as well as economic trends and cycles, the Economy division macroeconomic analyses and syntheses (national accounts).


Economy division (WI)

+41 58 463 66 45

National Accounts section (VGR)

+41 58 463 60 67


Our English pages offer only a limited range of information on our statistical production. For our full range please consult our pages in French and German (top right hand screen).