Business and Employment

Developed from 1905 onwards and fundamentally re-designed in 2011, the Swiss system of structural business surveys is the data source of all published geodata on business establishments and occupation at the geographical resolution of one hectare (surface area of 100x100 m).

From 1905 to 2008, sporadic business censuses were carried out by questionnaire among secondary and tertiary sector businesses and in the agricultural sector. In these censuses, the economic production units were recorded as a reference for many other statistics from an economic, social and spatial point of view. From 1995, all establishments were geocoded, thus laying the foundations for an analysis of hectare data.

Since 2011, the structural business statistics (STATENT) provides comprehensive information that is updated every year on the structure of the Swiss economy on the basis of register data (mainly the AHV/AVS register and the FSO business and enterprise register) as well as data from the business surveys. Selected variables from the extensive data stock are analysed at hectare resolution and transformed into geodata, which is then made available.

Because the business censuses and the register-based surveys of STATENT differ not only methodically, but also regarding the number und definitions of collected attributes available for the production of geodata, the different data options and articles are described in detail on the following web pages:


Federal statistical office Section Geoinformation
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
+41 58 463 68 35

Monday to Friday
09.00–11.30 and 14.00–16.00
