The BB Division is the FSO's competence centre for population and education statistics. It is responsible for the production and dissemination of statistical information in the areas of education and population as well as the Swiss population census.The division analyses administrative data and carries out supplementary surveys of persons and households in addition to surveys of education institutions. The division provides key indicators on the development and structure of the population by the most important demographic and socioeconomic subgroups and calculates scenarios for the future development of the population, employed persons and the education system. It compiles composite statistics and in-depth analyses in the areas of households and families, demography, migration, work and gainful activity, income, consumption and living conditions. It produces information that is necessary for the evaluation and management of the education system and designs educational indicators for the ongoing monitoring of the Swiss education system. The division also ensures the coordination and comparability of the surveys on a national and international scale and advises statistics users in the application, interpretation and evaluation of the data.
The Demography and Migration section (DEM) is (partly) responsible for the production, analysis and dissemination of population data. It is also responsible for the evaluation and analysis of FSO data on specific topics such as demography, changes in the population and household, family and households, integration and migration as well as gender equality, languages and religion. Furthermore, the design, implementation, analysis and dissemination of three new surveys as part of the new census system also form part of the section's tasks: the survey on families and generations (EFG), the language survey, religion and culture as well as the omnibus survey.
The Population section is responsible for the statistical processing of resident population and household data from registers and other sources. It uses this data to compile consolidated data sets to generate statistics on the numbers and demographic structures of the population and households in the scope of STATPOP. The section plans and implements the Swiss Structural Survey, a large annual sample survey of the characteristics that are not recorded in the population census and assures the dissemination of the basic evaluations. Furthermore, the section is responsible for the production, analysis and dissemination of the annual statistics on the status and structure of building and housing stock as well as the housing conditions of the population.
The EKL section maintains a system of surveys and indicators to monitor the situation and changes in the areas of income, consumption and living conditions. To this end, it carries out surveys on private households on the topics of income, consumption and living conditions. In addition, it develops register and administrative data surveys in the areas of tax data and retirements. The indicators of the EKL section include the following topics: income and expenditure pattern of private households, income distribution, influence of social origin, educational level, labour-market status, number of children and the gender of the reference person on the household income, possibilities for savings by social class, financial burden of households (through taxes, social contributions etc.), poverty and social exclusion, housing conditions, involuntary deprivation, etc.
The Labour Force Section is mainly responsible for producing and publishing statistics on the labour supply. Each year, it carries out the Swiss Labour Force Survey and prepares various synthetic statistics, particularly on persons in employment and working hours.
The Educational Processes section (BILD-P) is responsible for statistics on people in education and on educational qualifications, education systems, personnel in education systems as well as costs and the financing of education. It collects administrative data from the cantons, schools and higher education institutions as well as other authorities. These surveys concern formal education from pre-primary to tertiary level (higher vocational education and higher education institutions). The section's products include information and analyses of the population, composition and development of persons in educational processes, as well as on the education system's infrastructure and resources (personnel and finances).
The Education System section (BILD-S) provides an integrated approach to education statistics. It conducts various projects with a cross-sectional purpose in the area of education which contribute to the planning and development of political strategies at Confederation, cantonal and possibly commune level. The integrated indicator system, responsibility for the “Education and science” statistical area of the FSO website as well as scenarios for the entire area of education are typically projects that correspond with this purpose. The section is also responsible for carrying out different surveys to respond to specific needs that cannot be fulfilled by regular, standard surveys in the area. The section is responsible for actively participating in different working groups at international level and for representing the area of education in these working groups. Lastly, within the limits of its resources, the section is responsible for carrying out longitudinal analyses for the entire education area. In this context, it intensively uses the new possibilities following the systematic introduction of the new AHV/AVS number as well as data from different sources that are produced by other sections of the office.