
Hospital Statistics 2021 Hospital activity bounced back in 2021

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Consolidation of hospital activities in 2022

24.11.2022 - In 2021, 1.46 million hospital admissions were recorded in Swiss hospitals. After falling in 2020, this number almost reached the pre-pandemic level. In contrast, the 24.4 million outpatient consultations in 2021 represented a considerable increase compared with 2019 (+14.3%), to which consultations related solely to COVID-19 contributed significantly, erasing the decrease that occurred in 2020. Total hospital operating costs exceeded CHF 32.9 billion in 2021. This is shown by the hospital data published today by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). 

You can find further information in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.


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Hospital activity bounced back in 2021
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